Case Study
CJIS Compliant
Document Scanning

Industry: Police Department
Recordsforce helps a police department digitize over 200 boxes of arrest files and integrate the digital images and data into their existing repository to complete their historic database. They are now able to quickly and easily access any record and case without the need to physically search for it, eliminating unnecessary time wasted sorting through files.
Analyzing The Problem
A police department was looking to digitize their case files. They had been using an electronic management system for the last few decades but still had over 200 boxes and 30 plus drawers of arrest files being stored physically within their office, including very hard places to reach, such as the attic and crawl space. The police department needed to integrate the images and data from their remaining paper files into their existing digital repository to complete their historic database. They didn’t have the time or staffing needs to be able to carry out the project themselves and needed to make sure it was done correctly due to the nature of the documents.

Creating A Custom Solution
Recordsforce, a CJIS compliant document scanning company, would securely and safely scan the police department’s documents and add them to their existing database. To do so, Recordsforce employees that need unescorted access to the records for digitization, were fingerprinted and background checked by the police department. From there, Recordsforce scheduled a time to pick up the records from the police department and bring them back to our CJIS and SSAE-18 SOC II compliant facility.
Each box was given a unique barcode that allowed us to track the box throughout the entire duration of the digitization process. This allowed both Recordsforce and the police department to watch their documents, with a visible chain of custody, move from check in into our production management system to delivery. While at Recordsforce, the case files were kept in a locked room within our facility, and kept separate from all other files. The key to that room is kept with our Operations Manager.
The first step to digitization is preparing the documents for scanning, by unfolding creases and removing staples. Then, the documents are run through our high-speed scanners and delivered to our data entry team for data extraction. This includes extracting data off the records, such as last name, first name, date of birth and case number. The images and data are then reviewed for quality and accuracy. Once these steps are completed the images are stored on a local server that stands alone from all of our other internal servers and digital documents, this is where they are kept after the delivery to the police department for approximately one month.
The images and data are then exported to the police department via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) into their existing electronic management system. At the end of the month of storage, Recordsforce securely shredded the files upon approval and deleted the files from our server. A certificate of destruction was provided for the shredding, as well as a certificate of deletion from our network.
Instant Results
As a result of outsourcing their criminal justice information (CJI) document scanning project to Recordsforce, the police department could ensure their files were secure and safe. They knew the proper steps and guidelines were followed to ensure the privacy of their sensitive criminal justice information by choosing as CJIS compliant document scanning company. The police department also saved copious amounts of time and money by outsourcing this project versus trying to scan the records themselves without the proper technology and staff to do it correctly. They are now also able to quickly and easily access any record and case without the need to physically search for it, eliminating unnecessary time being wasted sorting through files. Lastly, having all of their documents in an electronic management system protects their private and confidential CJI from loss, theft, misfiling and even natural disasters.