As a person working in accounts payable, how much time is spent just getting invoices from your mailroom to being ready to pay?  Do you know? You might want to.

At Recordsforce, we believe that repetitive manual tasks should be completely eliminated from invoice processing wherever possible! Time spent on a manual and mundane task is time lost. If every moment your staff spends dealing with getting invoices into your accounts payable system was spent on more valuable tasks and problem solving, what would the results be? Is their real value in data entry and invoice handling? We find that one of the largest time killers in accounts payable departments is their process for working through incoming invoices; something easily fixed with accounts payable automation.

The invoicing process is long and has many checks and balances as the buyer and supplier exchange paperwork to be completed, maintained, and verified by the other. Wouldn’t it be nice to consolidate this all into one streamlined process? 

The good news is, you can — with invoice process automation, you save valuable time while implementing compliance verification to remove risk of errors.

With this quick change, your team would no longer be consumed by a process that is easily automated. You and your team now have time to focus on the parts of the accounts payable process that can’t be automated.

As we mentioned in a previous blog on outsourcing accounts payable,

The biggest asset your company has is its people. Your employees are the ones that are driving your company towards its goals on a daily basis. Why spend their time and your money having them do tasks that can easily be outsourced to a 3rd party? Outsourcing your accounts payable process does not have to mean firing people. Rather, free them up to do the work that machines can’t, such as assisting with collections, dealing with A/P process exceptions, working with vendors to improve their payment terms or process. Focusing on great work that moves the business forward  instead of busy work.

Accounts payable automation is only one step in the larger picture of process automation. If you want to learn more on how process automation can really make a change in your business, schedule a meeting with us.