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Employee Newsletter!

What’s New?

good news

Good News!

  • We have a new HR Manager – Maureen Cox! Welcome aboard!
  • We’ve hired some other new staff members! Woohoo!
  • Financing for ESOP is moving forward
  • New customers are onboarding
  • We spotted Mandy back in Portsmouth! (Hopefully more of that soon to come!)

    Company Goals:

    • Hire more scanners, mailroom floaters and remote preppers
    • Catch up with envelopes
    • Get PACE ready for new customers
    • Finish the ESOP and make our employees shareholders in Recordsforce!
    • New 401K plan in place


    • Please break down boxes if you empty them at the office locations. We don’t have an official “box breaker” so please do your part as a member of the team and don’t leave them right on top of the recycling bins. 
    • If you kill it, refill it
    • Wipe down your desks before leaving for night shift folks please!

      Help Us Hire!

      Since we are on the lookout for exceptional team members to join us at Recordsforce, your support could make a huge difference in finding the perfect fit! Would you mind lending a hand by sharing our latest job postings/hiring posts on your social media profiles? Your networks might include someone perfect for the roles we’re looking to fill! Thank you! (Links to follow social are at the end of this newsletter.)

      recordsforce hiring

      Flashlight Nominations!

      Has someone done something that brightened your day? Said something you appreciated or maybe taught you something new? Let them know that they did something you appreciate! Nominate them for a Flashlight Award and put a little money in some pockets!

      Unsure How To Nominate Someone?

      PACE Awards are almost ready! 

      We will announce winners in the next week or so. PACE bonuses are expected to be paid out the first week of February and the PACE awards will start being monthly again!



      Gabriela A 1/2

      Kathryn T 1/2

      Stephanie T 1/3

      Spencer K 1/4

      Sally D 1/5

      Tiffany T 1/6

      Patrick M 1/8

      Juliana W 1/8

      Kimberly R 1/9

      Kendra D 1/11

      Madison F 1/11

      Chelsea M 1/11

      Ceilidh M 1/12

      Cheryl T 1/14

      Jaimie G 1/16

      Elizabeth D 1/18

      Mandy P 1/18

      Jonathan D 1/25

      Taylor P 1/26

      Kayla S 1/29

      Derrick J 1/30

      Joan N 1/31



      1 Year!

      Jennifer H 1/23/2023

      Marissa M 1/30/2023

      2 Years!!

      Mary W 1/3/2022

      Madison F 1/3/2022

      Kenneth P 1/11/2022

      Colin D 1/17/2022

      Amber C 1/19/2022

      Lucy M 1/27/2022

      Kristen K 1/31/2022

      5 Years!!!!!

      Jake B 1/23/2019


      Employee Spotlight

      Meet Mo! 

      Our new HR Manager!

      Mo HR
      Hello everyone! My name is Mo and I just joined Recordsforce as the HR Manager! I am excited to get to know everyone and hopefully be a resource for you as I get more settled in and figure out where everything is (the bathroom) and who everyone is! 
      My background is in food retail- I worked for Whole Foods regional management for over 25 years in IT, HR, marketing and customer service.  I try to be a clear and respectful coworker who knows that your work makes my work possible. Some fun facts about me:
      • I’m blind in one eye. There will be a raffle where you can guess which one later!
      • In my spare time you’ll find me: in the kitchen, or working a gig job, or at a open mic/live music.
      • I used to do stand up when I traveled, but never anywhere I might be recognized!
      Recordsforce Community

      Have any fun events coming up in your local area? Share some ideas below! Or check out the responses if you’re looking for something to do!

      Follow Us On Social!

      Have ideas for what you’d like to see on future newsletters?